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101kakashi's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 101kakashi's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

simply cause we cannot watch our homeland being taken from us and just give up! when a person comes to you holding a gun do you smile at him and tell him take what you want? how retarded is that? the real question is..why fight people who are not as armed as you when you are invading their homeland murdering their children and old men and you consider that being tough? fighting from only one side? give me a break! dont make me laugh! when you are being persecuted by someone you dont watch them kill your people and take over your homeland! you fight for your dignity! your pride! all the blood of your children and people! they should not be murdered and tortured in vein!! for those innocent people we fight! for a better tomorrow we seek! and for an end to this war we believe... now tell me..wouldn't you do the same if you were in this position? would you stay silent? would you not defend your family? huh?!...cause if you would stay silent then that is retarded!!! ;)

1 point

oh really? so your saying that arabs should stop fighting for their lives?

what proves that israel won't stop doing what it is doing now? have you no idea of how many people died in vein? of how many kids are left orphans? of how many mothers watched their children slaughtered in front of their eyes? stop killing old women and men then maybe palestinians will stop defending their home land?!!! if a guy with a gun comes to you and forces you to give your home and honor up what do you do? you smile at him and tell him welcome? hehe well sorry bub! we ain't gonna sit back and watch you kill us one after another..when someone invades your homeland and murders your family and friends you stand up for them when someone has guns and tanks and all those powerful weapons attacks you, you stand up and fight! for your honor! for your life! israel has all those weapons and has no second thoughts when it comes to killing small innocent kids and old men and women who are NOT armed! yet is afraid of couple of homemade grenades made by people who cried blood, who lost their beloved ones! yet you dare say arabs are not peaceful??? you should be ashamed of that! when a child sees his parents slaughtered in front of their eyes what do you expect him to do?? smile at you? when you deprive a child from his parents! when you murder all the adults in a country who do you expect will stand up and say stop? israelians? haha you made me laugh! a person who has no murders INNOCENT people in such a cold heart is not to stop ever! that is why arabs are fighting! to stay alive! all those small children tortured then murdered by israeliens...i have to firmly say arabs are peaceful more than israelians will ever be! we have a heart we are humans! we believe in a brighter tomorrow so who the hell do you think you are to deprive us from that future of ours???????????israel is playing all its cards on an unarmed opponent! and you call them brave? haha you make me laugh! you said in your last sentence..and maybe israel will stop killing children armed with guns and explosives...maybe is not enough! men armed with tanks and guns and highly technified bombs vs. shattered kids and men with homemade grenades!! are you serious? your words are of no advantage to your discussion! at least arabs fight with all their heart knowing what arabs have as weapons and knowing their determination on defendong their lives is of a great dignity and pride than people hiding behind those tanks and rifles! at least arabs fight with might!

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