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SitaraForJesus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SitaraForJesus's arguments, looking across every debate.

I agree. Thats why I try to be a good person. :)

I provided a link which you refuse to look at. Stop trolling.

I provided a link. Its not my fault you refuse to read. .

I dont have to. Logic says that good debaters prove their claims. The burden of proof is not on me.

Supporting Evidence: You ask, I answer. (
1 point

Its cool. I still like you. :)

I dont agree with you. People need to prove their claims.

2 points

Im sorry for the double post.I did not mean to do that. .

1 point

Thank you. .

I dont remember creating this debate before. What should I do? .

I dont agree with you. People need to provide proof if they want their claims to be believed.

Hitchens' Razor is right because people need to prove their claims. I do not agree with you at all.

There is proof of your claim in any calender I look at. I have to take responsibility for my own mind.

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