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Cartman(18192) Clarified
1 point

Haha, that's awesome. I am glad you are back to normal.

1 point

Nah uh. Was done by you.

1 point

It doesn't really get dumber than ignoring words said by the other person and making an argument. That was done by you.

1 point

one can do nothing silly.

I don't believe I said you do nothing, silly goose. Leaving off "of the sort" changes the meaning of what I said, doesn't it.

 already told you. I have money on my mouth.

Then we are in agreement.

breathing right? Otherwise I'd be dead.

Unfortunately, yes.


It was like 2 arguments ago.

I am glad that you have given up. This thorough beating that you have received has been great.

1 point

ave firmly placed my money where my mouth is, yet the only thing this has accomplished is causing my speech to be inhibited. Quite counterpro

You have firmly done nothing of the sort. You may want to look into why your speech is inhibited.

man, you are being very hostile. Do I have to go get security ?

You do everything wrong and I am being hostile? Wow.

Cartman, it is your paranoia.

You already demonstrated that I am not paranoid.

1 point

Sorry Old Yeller, you are too far gone. There is no way to help.

1 point

least you've finally admitted that you don't know something.

Yes. It's true. I don't know your IQ.

Something doesn't all of a sudden become a contradiction as it is being pointed out. That suggests that "it was a contradiction, before. It was a contradiction."

You claiming that I made a contradiction is far different from you actually pointing out which parts of what I said were a contradiction. Put your money where your mouth is and actually point out which thing I said that has a direct conflict with something else I said. I am so sorry that you can't figure this out.

ng me a rapist, is really starting to ink my stain, Cartman.

I apologize for calling you a rapist, and I thank you for admitting I am not paranoid. ;)

Cartman, Have you ever titillated the thought, that in reality, you are the rapist?

Wow, blaming the victim. That's messed up. Not only are you attacking me for speaking out against a possible rapist, you are claiming that I am doing the raping. That's terrible. How dare you blame the victim. I am pretty sure the rapist is the one saying the rapist things.

 You're just projecting all of these feeling towards me, as a method to confessing your guilt and frustration, caused by all of your rapist action

In all of your rapist denials you have never actually pointed out anything wrong with the premises I used to determine you were sounding like a rapist. Why is that?

1 point

There is no specific amount required for it to be increased steeply. Just so long as it's a large increase from the starting point, it meets the criterion.

I think I may have overestimated your IQ.

All this means is that you are too silly to realize when you've contradicted yourself.

No, it means that you failed to notice what you quoted. If it were a contradiction, you would actually be able to point out which parts contradict.

My unintentional comedic talent continues to beget befuddlement...

Apparently befuddlement is another concept you pretend to understand.

There is no one after you , Cartman.

Just a creepy rapist on a debate website. Way to totally misunderstand the point of my sentence by the way.

Well , I'm sorry you feel that way.

It is pretty easy to fix. Stop sounded like a rapist.

1 point

Says nothing about being low at first. Only states an increase.

How low did your IQ have to be in the beginning to increase very steeply?

So you admit to being wrong about your assertion that I wasn't following my rules.

No, you quoted me saying that "So, you actually aren't even following the rules". Nice reading comprehension.

In light of recent events, the supposed accuracy of such an inclusion, has been debunked.

Hahahahahaha. Hilarious.

You're being paranoid, Cartman.

Just because I am paranoid doesn't mean people aren't following me.

Cartman, I'm not a rapist. You are safe with me.

You may not be a rapist, but you say everything a rapist would say including "You are safe with me".

1 point

Aww, double post.

1 point

How was what I said in response , and imitation of the response that it was responding to?

It keeps getting better. By saying that your IQ skyrocketed it means that it was low and got higher. You said the exact same thing to me. The great thing is that you don't even understand that, which makes me sound even more correct. The other great thing is that you didn't even do anything clever. "No, you have a low IQ". Sadly though, no one smart enough to understand how great this was won't read it. I will just have to be satisfied with my own knowledge of your demise. I look forward to your rebuttal where you will say you won.

Idk, but I am following the rules.

You finally admit that you don't know something. clap clap

The only thing I need to do to follow the rules, is to avoid anything that contradicts the rules, so since the rules are about something that Cartman, should specifically do, the only thing I need to do, to follow the rules, is to avoid instructing you to do the opposite of the rules.

Except the rules are in place for you to help me. I follow the rules and you don't provide a response that is helpful. So, you actually aren't even following the rules. And, setting rules that other people have to follow are worthless if you don't want to apply them to yourself as well. If you told someone not to jaywalk, but then jaywalk yourself the person is going to believe there is no real reason not to jaywalk.

I wasn't attempting to use the word "never" and it wasn't meant to be apart of the statement.

You were supposed to use the word "never" instead of "only" if you wanted to be accurate.

Cartman, I know you're scared of what may happen.

Yeah, like being robbed or killed by a psycho.

I know you fear change, but aren't you tired of all the negative behaviors that come from your mental diseases?

I fear change, like losing a limb or a permanent disfigurement which is guaranteed if I would be treated by you.

I only want the best for you, cartman.

That is very unlike a rapist, congratulations.

2 points

ROFLMAO? Have you between infected by outlaw60?

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