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This personal waterfall shows you all of Atrag's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

arrrrgghh!!! I've just been murdered! But only if we change the definition to 'the slight annoyance of a human being.'

2 points

"Tuesday always succeeds Monday".

I haven't proven my claim. Are you going to dismiss it?

2 points

Again you have just forgotten the series of arguments we've had. I said:

""Tuesday always succeeds Monday".

I present you no proof. Are you going to dismiss it?"

You said I don't have to present proof in that case. Therefore, you agree that sometimes Hitchens Razon doesn't apply. Right?

2 points

Yes you do. You just said it above. I don't need to provide proof and I can expect you to go and find it. Don't you remember what you put???

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

But it is inevitable, as it is for any other crime. The problem with the death penalty is that the sentence is irreconcilable. In support the death penalty you have to concede that the risk of wrongful execution is an acceptable risk.

2 points

Ok good, then you conced that Hitchens Razor is wrong. I can make a statement and assume that you're going to find the proof yourself - I can say that Tuesday comes after Monday and that you will find a calender to prove it.

1 point

I don't think it is practical. "beyond reasonable doubt" is the highest burden we can give.

1 point

The threshold for beyond reasonable doubt is no higher when considering a crime with a potential death sentence than it is for any other crime. People are sentenced to death of far less evidence than you're saying.

1 point

What is 'reasonable' doubt is a matter of opinion. The fact that people have been found to have been wrongfully executed but were guilty beyond reasonable doubt means, to me, that in every case there is enough doubt to warrant a person not being executing.

1 point

As a society we should make it very clear that every citizen has a right to life that cannot be taken away from them by any person or public body unless necessary. There is no necessity to kill someone for a crime.

The justification for the death sentence is the feeling of revenge. Its argument solely based on hatred and I find it disgusting.

There are a number of studies that suggest that innocent people have been wrongfully executed the USA. How can anyone suggest this is acceptable?

1 point

Then it is not logical for me to assert that Tuesday comes after Monday then? Unless I provide you with proof?

2 points

So I can assert something without evidence if empirical evidence exists?

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